RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MELLI-BEESE-STRASSE Neuss Next step in the neighbourhood development
The Pierburg area continues to grow: On the former industrial site in Neuss, a total of 104 new residential units will be built from autumn 2023, 46 of which will be publicly subsidised units. This will implement an important housing element in the neighbourhood development and fulfil the required share of 30 percent of publicly subsidised housing in the first construction phase of the overall project.

The project – together with the already realised B&B hotel and office building on Düsseldorfer Straße – marks the start of the quarter. The building fulfils this function architecturally with an elevation at the street corner, and there is space for a bakery and commercial uses on the ground floor. The building encloses a landscaped inner courtyard and is oriented towards the west with widely projecting balconies overlooking the daycare facility for children and the future quarter's square.
4.545 m2
Gross floor area
9.735 m2
ab 2023